General information
Funding Institution: CNCS – UEFISCDI, Human Resources Programme
Project number: PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2016-1912
Contract number: 85 / 2018
Period: May 2018 - April 2020
Total Amount: 249976 Lei (≈55550 EUR)
Project executive summary (RO):
Programele de interventie actuale destinate eficientizarii modului de cautare a unui loc de munca au fost in general dezvoltate in absenta unui cadru integrativ (o integrare a celor mai importante mecanisme asociate succesului in gasirea unui loc de munca). Dar eforturi recente au condus la dezvoltarea unei taxonomii asupra mecanismelor implicate in auto-reglarea comportamentului de cautare a unui loc de munca, pe baza evaluarii sistematice a literaturii existente. In plus, starea actuala a cercetarii asupra comportamentului de cautare a unui loc de munca este concentrata in principal asupra proceselor constiente, dar nevoia integrarii si a mecanismelor psihologice automate incepe sa se faca auzita. Asadar, scopul principal al prezentului proiect este de a oferi o taxonomie integrativa de mecanisme pentru interventii destinate cautarii unui loc de munca si de a dezvolta un program bazat pe acest cadru.
Dar, adresarea somajului nu este o sarcina usora, mai ales din cauza prevalentei sale asimetrice in cadrul societatilor. Acest fapt face ca ajutarea tuturor celor care au nevoie de programe de interventie sa fie foarte dificila. Totusi, o solutie promitatoare pentru aceasta problema vine din zona inteventiilor psihologice livrate online, care in ultimii cincisprezece ani au proliferat cu succes. Astfel, scopul final al proiectului este de a testa eficienta interventiei propuse prin intermediul internetului.
Project executive summary (EN):
The existing job search intervention programs were developed in the absence of a comprehensive framework (an integration of the most important mechanisms associated with employment success). But recent scholarly efforts produced such a self-regulatory taxonomy by systematically analyzing the job search literature. Moreover, the state of the art in understanding the job search behavior is focused mainly on conscious processes, but the need of integrating automatic mechanisms is starting to be acknowledged. Hence, the main goal of the present project is to offer a comprehensive framework of mechanisms for job search interventions and also to develop a program based on this taxonomy.
Facing unemployment is not an easy task since its prevalence is extremely asymmetric across societies. This makes hard to reach all those who are in most need for a vocational intervention. However, a promising solution for this problem comes from the area of internet delivered psychological interventions which in the past fifteen years successfully proliferated. Hence, the final goal of the project is to test the effectiveness of the comprehensive intervention for facilitating job search success via internet.
Project's objectives:
O1. Developing the intervention manual.
O2. Transposing the intervention in electronic format.
O3. Implementing a randomized controlled trial for testing the efficacy of the intervention.
- Final activity report (RO): click here to access the pdf format
Proposed for 2018:
No specific outputs (e.g., journal articles or conference presentations).
Proposed for 2019:
One article acceted in a Web of Science (WoS) indexed journal.
One article published in a WoS indexed journal:
- Oprea, B., Barzin, L., Vîrgă, D., Iliescu, D., & Rusu, A. (corresponding author) (2019).
Effectiveness of job crafting interventions: a meta-analysis and utility analysis.
European Journal of Work and Organisational Psychology, 28(6), 723-741.
doi: 10.1080/1359432X.2019.1646728
(IF: 2.59 – Q2 / AIS: 1.13 – Q1)
One manuscript under review at a WoS indexed journal:
- Hojbotă, A. M., Rusu, A. (co-main author), Curșeu, P. L., & Constantin, T. (under review).
Membership change and group cognitive complexity: The moderating role of normative interventions.
Knowledge Management Research & Practice
- One Poster presentation at the 3rd World Conference on Personality, Hanoi (Vietnam), 2-6 April, 2019
- One State-of-the-Art presentation at the 19th APIO National Conference on Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Iași (Romania), 9-11 May, 2019.
- One Oral presentation at the XIIIth National Conference of the Romanian Psychologists' Association, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), 22-24 November, 2019.
Proposed for 2020:
One article submitted to a WoS indexed journal.
One article published in a WoS indexed journal:
- Ianoș, M.A., Rusu, A., Huguet, À., & Lapresa-Rey, C. (in press).
Implicit language attitudes in Catalonia (Spain): investigating preferences for Catalan or Spanish using the Implicit Association Test.
Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.
doi: 10.1080/01434632.2020.1806857
(IF: 1.35 – Q2)
One manuscript under review at a WoS indexed journal:
- Tisu, L., Rusu, A. (co-main author), Sulea, C., & Vîrgă, D. (under review).
Job resources and strengths use in relation to employee performance: A contextualized view.
Psychological Reports.
Two unpublished manuscripts (to be sumbmitted):
- Rusu, A., Sulea, C., & Pap, J.
What works better and for whom? Exploring the moderating roles of personality and type of job seeker in the relationship between initial and follow-up interviews.
- Rusu, A., Măgurean, S., & Sava, F. A.
Increasing young job seekers' employability through a new comprehensive intervention: preliminary findings.